会计学(Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, BSA)
管理会计学(Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting, BSMA)
英语语言研究(Bachelor of Arts in English Language Studies, ABELS)
文学与文化研究(Bachelor of Arts in Literature and Cultural Studies, ABLCS)
哲学(Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, AB-PHILO)
表演艺术-戏剧艺术(Bachelor of Performing Arts major in Theater Arts, BPEA)
建筑学(Bachelor of Science in Architecture, BS ARCHI)
室内设计(Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, BSID)
环境规划(Bachelor of Science in Environmental Planning, BSEP)
创业学(Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, BSENTREP)
工商管理-金融管理方向(BSBA Major in Financial Management, BSBAFM)
工商管理-人力资源管理方向(Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Human Resource Management, BSBAHRM)
工商管理-市场营销方向(Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management, BSBA-MM)
办公室管理(Bachelor of Science in Office Administration, BSOA)
信息技术(Bachelor in Science in Information Technology, BSIT)
计算机科学(Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, BSCS)
广播学(Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting, BABR)
广告与公共关系(Bachelor in Advertising and Public Relations, BAPR)
新闻学(Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, BAJ)
传播研究(Bachelor of Arts in Communication Research, BACR)
商务技术与生活教育-信息和通信技术方向(Bachelor of Business Technology and Livelihood Education major in Information and Communication Technology, BBTLEd-ICT)
商务技术与生活教育-家政方向(Bachelor of Business Technology and Livelihood Education major in Home Economics, BBTLEd-HE)
商务技术与生活教育-工业艺术方向(Bachelor of Business Technology and Livelihood Education major in Industrial Arts, BBTLEd-IA)
职业教师教育-餐饮服务管理方向(Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education major in Food Service Management, BTVTEd-FSM)
小学教育学士(Bachelor in Elementary Education, BEED)
早期儿童教育学士(Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, BECED)
中等教育学士-英语专业(Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education major in English, BSSED-EN)
中等教育学士-数学专业(Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education major in Math, BSSED-MT)
中等教育学士-科学专业(Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education major in Science, BSSED-SC)
中等教育学士-菲律宾语专业(Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education major in Filipino, BSSED-FL)
中等教育学士-社会研究专业(Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education major in Social Studies, BSSED-SS)
图书馆与信息科学学士(Bachelor in Library and Information Science, BLIS)
土木工程学士(Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, BSCE)
计算机工程学士(Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, BSCpE)
电气工程学士(Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, BSEE)
电子工程学士(Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering, BSECE)
工业工程学士(Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, BSIE)
机械工程学士(Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, BSME)
铁路工程学士(Bachelor of Science in Railway Engineering, BSRE)
体育学士(Bachelor of Physical Education, BPED)
运动与体育科学学士(Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Science, BSESS)
政治学艺术学士(Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, BAPS)
国际研究艺术学士(Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, BAIS)
公共管理学士(Bachelor of Public Administration, BPA)
政治经济学艺术学士(Bachelor of Arts in Political Economy, BAPE)
应用数学理学士(Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, BSAPMath)
生物学理学士(Bachelor of Science in Biology, BSBio)
化学理学士(Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, BSChem)
食品技术理学士(Bachelor of Science in Food Technology, BSFT)
数学理学士(Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, BSMath)
营养与饮食学理学士(Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics, BSND)
物理学理学士(Bachelor of Science in Physics, BSPhysics)
统计学理学士(Bachelor of Science in Statistics, BSStat)
社会学艺术学士(Bachelor of Arts In Sociology, ABS)
合作社学理学士(Bachelor of Sciences in Cooperatives, BSC)
经济学理学士(Bachelor of Science in Economics, BSE)
历史学艺术学士(Bachelor of Arts in History, BAH)
心理学理学士(Bachelor of Science in Psychology, BSPSY)
旅游管理理学士(Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management, BSTM)
交通管理理学士(Bachelor of Science in Transportation Management, BSTrM)
酒店管理学士(Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, BSHM)